2. Dependencies and compatible devices

enioka Scan is split over multiple AAR dependencies, all available through the Maven Central repository, allowing you to only include the compatibility layers you need.

The compatibility matrix at the end of this page explains more clearly what devices are supported by each scanner provider, and how each device is detected by the library.

While most providers are standalone and include their own open-source SDK (artifact marked ‘os’, open source), some providers (artifact marked ‘cs’, closed source) still require proprietary code in order to work with their device. Depending on devices, this code can take the form of a JAR or AAR file made available to you by the vendor, or a companion app, service or SDK installed separately on the device. In the case of a library file, you will need to manually add the archive to your application’s classpath. If a required SDK is missing, the provider will simply not show up as compatible during use.

2.1. enioka Scan artefacts

Each artefact can be imported to your project as com.enioka.scanner:<artefact>:<version>:aar.

2.1.1. enioka-scan-core

Core components of the library, required for it to work. It includes the scanner APIs, default scanning activity and service that manages the search and lifecycle of the scanners.

2.1.2. provider-os-camera

Includes the CAMERA_SCANNER provider. It includes camera-as-a-scanner functionality, and default camera layout for the scanner activity.

2.1.3. provider-os-athesi-e5l

Includes the AthesiE5LProvider provider, adding support for Athesi E5L integrated devices.

This provider works only when the device name is strictly RD50TE.

2.1.4. provider-os-athesi-spa43

Includes the AthesiHHTProvider provider, adding support for Athesi SPA43 integrated devices.

This provider works only when the device name is strictly SPA43LTE.

2.1.5. provider-os-bluebird

Includes the BluebirdProvider provider, adding support for Bluebird integrated devices.

This provider requires the Bluebird service to be installed and enabled on your device, listening for the kr.co.bluebird.android.bbapi.action.BARCODE_OPEN intent.

2.1.6. provider-os-generalscan-bt

Includes the BT_GeneralScanProvider provider, adding support for GeneralScan bluetooth ring.

This provider requires the bluetooth device to respond to the “Get device ID” command.

2.1.7. provider-os-honeywell-bt

Includes the BT_HoneywellOssSppProvider provider, adding support for Honeywell bluetooth scanners.

This provider requires the bluetooth device to respond to the “Get firmware” command.

2.1.8. provider-os-honeywell-integrated

Includes the HoneywellOssIntegratedProvider provider, adding support for Honeywell integrated devices.

This provider requires the Honeywell service com.honeywell.decode.DecodeService to be installed and enabled on your device.

2.1.9. provider-cs-postech

Includes the BT_PostechProvider provider, adding support for Postech ring scanners.

This provider could not be properly tested and may not work as expected.

2.1.10. provider-os-zebra-bt

Includes the BT_ZebraOssSPPProvider and BT_ZebraOssATTProvider providers, adding support for Zebra bluetooth scanners using the SSI protocol (respectively classic and low energy).

BT_ZebraOssSPPProvider requires the bluetooth device to respond to the “CAPABILITIES_REQUEST” command and be a Bluetooth Classic (non-BLE) device.

BT_ZebraOssATTProvider requires the bluetooth device to respond to the “CAPABILITIES_REQUEST” command and be a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) device.

2.1.11. provider-cs-proglove

Includes the ProgloveProvider provider, adding support for Proglove devices interfacing with their application.

This provider requires the Proglove application package, de.proglove.connect, to be installed and enabled on your device.

2.1.12. provider-cs-honeywell

Includes the HONEYWELL_AIDC provider, adding support for Honeywell AIDC (Intermec) integrated devices.

This provider requires the “Android data collection” (AIDC), or Intermec, SDK, which needs to be installed either in your application’s classpath or device to resolve com.honeywell.aidc. packages.

This provider also requires the com.honeywell.decode.DecodeService Android service to be installed and enabled on your device.

2.1.13. provider-cs-koamtac

Includes the Koamtac provider, adding support for Koamtac KDC-family bluetooth scanners.

This provider requires an external SDK provided by Koamtac, which needs to be included in your application’s classpath to resolve koamtac.kdc.sdk.* packages.

2.1.14. provider-cs-m3

Includes the M3RingScannerProvider provider, adding support for M3 ring devices.

This provider requires an external SDK, provided by M3Mobile, which needs to be included in your application’s classpath to resolve com.m3.ringscannersdk.* packages.

This provider also requires the Ring Scanner companion app, which should be installed and enabled on your device to resolve com.m3.ringscanner.* packages.

2.1.15. provider-cs-zebra

Includes the following providers:

  • BtZebraProvider: Support for most Zebra bluetooth devices.

    This provider requires an external SDK, provided by Zebra, which needs to be included in your application’s classpath to resolve com.zebra.scannercontrol.* packages.

  • Zebra EMDK: Support for Zebra EMDK integrated devices.

    This provider requires an external SDK, which should be installed on your device by default, to resolve com.symbol.emdk.* packages.

2.1.16. provider-os-zebra-dw

Includes the ZebraDwProvider provider, adding support for most integrated devices supporting the Zebra Datawedge service (TC26, TC27, TC55…).

Warning: there are multiple different providers that can manage those devices! Take care only to have the one you want enabled, using the include or exclude provider search parameters.

This provider requires the Datawedge service, in the form of the com.symbol.datawedge application package, to be installed and enabled on your device.

2.2. Compatibility matrix

This table aggregates all currently-available scanner providers and lists which devices they support, their external requirements if applicable, and how each provider detects compatible devices.


Provider name

Supported devices

Tested devices

Device type

External requirements

Device compatible if


no provider

Does not support any device alone, it is a required dependency.


no provider

Any device with a camera

Smartphones, integrated devices…


Device has a camera



Athesi E5L

Athesi E5L


Device name is strictly RD50TE



Athesi SPA43

Athesi SPA43


Device name is strictly SPA43LTE



Bluebird integrated scanners

Bluebird EF500


Bluebird service (should be preinstalled on device)

Intent kr.co.bluebird.android.bbapi.action.BARCODE_OPEN has a listener



GeneralScan bluetooth ring scanners

GeneralScan GS R5000BT

BT Classic

Bluetooth device responds to “Get device ID” command



Honeywell bluetooth scanners

Honeywell Voyager 1602g

BT Classic

Bluetooth device responds to “Get firmware” command



Zebra bluetooth scanners using the SSI protocol

Zebra RS5100

BT Classic

Bluetooth device is not BLE and responds to “CAPABILITIES_REQUEST” command



Zebra bluetooth scanners using the SSI protocol

Zebra RS5100

BT Low Energy

Bluetooth device is BLE and responds to “CAPABILITIES_REQUEST” command



Honeywell integrated scanners

Honeywell EDA52


Honeywell service (should be preinstalled on device)

Intent com.honeywell.decode.DecodeService has a listener



Proglove devices interfacing with their application

Proglove Glove Mark II

BT Low Energy

Proglove application

Application package de.proglove.connect exists



Honeywell AIDC / Intermec integrated devices

Honeywell EDA50


AIDC SDK, Honeywell service (should be preinstalled on device)

Intent com.honeywell.decode.DecodeService has a listener and AIDC SDK exists



Koamtac bluetooth KDC devices

Koamtac KDC180

BT Low Energy

Koamtac SDK

Class koamtac.kdc.sdk.KDCReader exists and scanner device is found



M3Mobile bluetooth ring scanners

M3 Ring Scanner

BT Classic

Ring Scanner SDK, Ring Scanner application

Class com.m3.ringscannersdk.RingScannerService exists, application package com.m3.ringscanner exists, scanner device is found



Zebra bluetooth scanners

Zebra RS6000, RS5100

BT Classic

Zebra SDK

Class com.zebra.scannercontrol.SDKHandler exists and scanner device is found


Zebra EMDK

Zebra EMDK integrated scanners

Zebra TC25


Zebra EMDK SDK (should be preinstalled on device)

Class com.symbol.emdk.EMDKManager exists



Any device compatible with Zebra Datawedge

Zebra TC25, Zebra TC27


Zebra Datawedge service (should be preinstalled on device)

Application package com.symbol.datawedge exists