4.2. The ScannerService API

The ScannerService is responsible for handling the search of an available scanner device and SDK for the end user. Once any is found, it can be made available to the user in the form of a Scanner instance.

This page regroups all service-related interfaces and helper classes.

4.2.1. The ScannerServiceApi interface

The ScannerServiceApi interface exposes methods that give the user control on the scanner search and on the handling of found scanners.

registerClient(ScannerClient client) void

Registers a ScannerClient implementation to the service. The service will call this client’s callbacks whenever applicable.


client (ScannerClient) – The client to register.

unregisterClient(ScannerClient client) void

Unregisters a ScannerClient implementation from the service. The service will no no longer call this client’s callbacks.


client (ScannerClient) – The client to unregister.

restartScannerDiscovery() void

Disconnects all currently-connected scanners then starts the initialization process all over again.

restartProviderDiscovery() void

Clears the cache of discovered scanner providers and re-starts their discovery. This is a costly operation.

getAvailableProviders() List<String>

The list of keys of currently-available scanner providers, useful to tune scanner search options at runtime.

getConnectedScanners() List<Scanner>

The list of keys of currently-connected scanners, allowing their direct manipulation through the Scanner API.

updateScannerSearchOptions(ScannerSearchOptions newOptions) void

Updates the service’s scanner search options.


newOptions (ScannerSearchOptions) – The new options to use during future searches.

pause() void

Calls the Scanner.pause() method for all connected scanners.

resume() void

Calls the Scanner.resume() method for all connected scanners.

disconnect() void

Calls the Scanner.disconnect() method for all connected scanners.

Should scanners be needed again, restartScannerDiscovery() will need to be called first.

4.2.2. The ScannerClient interface

The Scanner Service, like any service, works as a standalone unit in the background. While it can be manipulated through the ScannerServiceApi interface, it needs to register a series of callbacks to send information to your application. These callbacks are grouped in the ScannerClient interface, which should be implemented by the part of your code responsible for handling the service lifecycle and barcode reads.

See also

This interface extends ScannerStatusCallback and needs to implement its method, see more in the callbacks documentation.

onScannerInitEnded(int count) void

This callback is used once the initialization of scanners is over. It will be called retro-actively on new clients if at least one scanner initialization happened.


count (int) – The amount of initialized scanners.

onProviderDiscoveryEnded() void

This callback is used once the discovery of scanner providers is over and scanners are ready to be used. It will be called retro-actively on new clients if at least one provider discovery happened.

onData(List<Barcode> data) void

This callback is used whenever a connected scanner successfully reads data.


data (List<Barcode>) – The barcodes read by the scanner.

4.2.3. The ScannerSearchOptions class

The ScannerSearchOptions provides a clear list of options used to refine the scanner search. Each attribute from ScannerSearchOptions corresponds to an intent extra used by ScannerServiceApi.

defaultOptions() ScannerSearchOptions

an instance of ScannerSearchOptions using the default values described below. Equivalent to a default constructor call.

boolean startSearchOnServiceBind = true

If true, the service will start searching for scanners immediately upon binding.

If false, the service will only discover available providers without requesting scanners immediately.

Corresponds to the ScannerServiceApi.EXTRA_START_SEARCH_ON_SERVICE_BIND extra.

boolean waitDisconnected = true

If a scanner is known but not currently available, wait for it. If false, consider the scanner unavailable immediately.

Corresponds to the ScannerServiceApi.EXTRA_SEARCH_WAIT_DISCONNECTED_BOOLEAN extra.

boolean returnOnlyFirst = true

If true, will only connect to the first scanner available (or reporting it may become available if waitDisconnected is true).

If false, all available scanners will be used.

Corresponds to the ScannerServiceApi.EXTRA_SEARCH_RETURN_ONLY_FIRST_BOOLEAN extra.

boolean useBlueTooth = true

If true, bluetooth devices will be searched for compatible scanners.

Corresponds to the ScannerServiceApi.EXTRA_SEARCH_ALLOW_BT_BOOLEAN extra.

boolean allowIntentDevices = false

If true, providers using another application for controlling scanners will be allowed. This is important as most of the time, it is impossible to say if these apps are actually installed, and therefore it is impossible to detect the presence of an actual scanner or not.

Corresponds to the ScannerServiceApi.EXTRA_SEARCH_ALLOW_INTENT_BOOLEAN extra.

See also

Check IntentScannerProvider for more details on how this type of device is checked for compatibility.

boolean allowLaterConnections = true

If true, some providers may retrieve scanners after initial search is over.

Mostly used to let bluetooth providers keep listening for incoming devices after search.

Corresponds to the ScannerServiceApi.EXTRA_SEARCH_KEEP_SEARCHING_BOOLEAN extra.

boolean allowInitialSearch = true

If true, some providers may retrieve scanners while the initial search is taking place.

Mostly used to let bluetooth providers contact known devices during search.

Corresponds to the ScannerServiceApi.EXTRA_SEARCH_ALLOW_INITIAL_SEARCH_BOOLEAN extra.

boolean allowPairingFlow = false

If true, the providers which needs a pairing done by their own SDK (for example, BLE on-the-fly pairing) will be allowed to do so.

Corresponds to the ScannerServiceApi.EXTRA_SEARCH_ALLOW_PAIRING_FLOW_BOOLEAN extra.

Set<String> allowedProviderKeys = null

Restricts the search to this list of providers. Ignored if null or empty.

Mainly used to whitelist known expected devices, or to refine the scanner search using the results of ScannerServiceApi.getAvailableProviders().

Corresponds to the ScannerServiceApi.EXTRA_SEARCH_ALLOWED_PROVIDERS_STRING_ARRAY extra.

Set<String> excludedProviderKeys = null

The providers inside this list will never be used. Ignored if null or empty.

Mainly used to blacklist known unwanted devices, or to refine the scanner search using the results of ScannerServiceApi.getAvailableProviders().

Corresponds to the ScannerServiceApi.EXTRA_SEARCH_EXCLUDED_PROVIDERS_STRING_ARRAY extra.

Set<String> symbologySelection = null

An array of BarcodeType to activate. Ignored if null or empty.

Corresponds to the ScannerServiceApi.EXTRA_SYMBOLOGY_SELECTION extra.

It also exposes methods to simplify the process of converting options into Intent extras, and vice versa.

fromIntentExtras(Intent intent) ScannerSearchOptions

Sets the option’s attributes based on a given intent’s extras. If an extra is missing, the current value of the attribute is preserved.


intent (Intent) – The Intent to read.



toIntentExtras(Intent intent) void

Updates an intent’s extras based on the current option’s attributes.


intent (Intent) – The Intent to update.

4.2.4. The ScannerServiceBinderHelper class

To make the process of binding your application to the Scanner Service easier, the ScannerServiceBinderHelper class exposes a series of methods you can use.

defaultServiceConfiguration() Bundle

Static method.


The default service search options used everywhere else in the library. A new bundle is returned on each call.

bind(Application a, Bundle extra) ScannerServiceBinderHelper

Static method. Binds to the Scanner Service using the defaultServiceConfiguration() extras.


The ScannerServiceBinderHelper instance that bound to the service.

bind(Application a) ScannerServiceBinderHelper

Static method. Binds to the Scanner Service using the defaultServiceConfiguration() extras.


a (Application) – The application to which the service will be bound.


The ScannerServiceBinderHelper instance that bound to the service.

getScannerService() ScannerServiceApi

The ScannerServiceApi instance bound to this ScannerServiceBinderHelper instance.

Throws IllegalStateException:

If no service is bound when called.

disconnect() void

Disconnects the currently-connected service from this ScannerServiceBinderHelper instance.